Golden Lion Assam 1st Flush by Tealyra

Dry leaf aroma: Malty sweet with a hint of pipe tobacco.
Wet leaf aroma: Alfalfa.
Preparation: 1.5 tsp in 10 ounces of water, brewed western style in a ceramic infuser mug.

First/only steeping: 3 minutes at 200 degrees.
Pleasant malty molasses aroma with a beautiful sable liquor. While hot, the undertones are pure malt and molasses. This Assam definitely stays true to its bouquet! As the cup cools, a sugary astringent aftertaste develops. A nice, substantial mouthfeel is present thoughout the cup.

This was a delightful Assam to start my day and I hope to be able to keep this one in stock, which is saying something for someone who has so much tea!

Flavors: Malt, Molasses, Sugar

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